【发表论文】 [1]Soil thermal imbalance of ground source heat pump systems with spiral-coilenergy pile groups under seepage conditions and various influential factors[J].Energy Conversion and Management, 2018.178:123-136. [2]A general distributed parameter model for ground heat exchangers with arbitraryshape and type of heat sources[J]. Energy Conversion andManagement,2018.164:667-679 [3]Parametric studies of silica gel and molecular sieve desiccant wheels:Experimental and modeling approaches[J].international communications in heatand mass transfer,2018,91:176-186 [4]High-performance color sequence particle streak velocimetry for 3D airflowmeasurement[J].appliedoptics,2018,57:1518-1523 [5]Compression-assisted absorption cycles using ammonia and various ionic liquidsfor cleaner heating[J]. journal of cleaner production,2018,195:890-907 [6]Experimentally comparative study on two-phase natural and pump-driven loop usedin HVAC systems[J]. applped thermal engineering,2018,142:321-333 [7]Cooling load for the design of air terminals in a general non-uniform indoorenvironment oriented to local requirements. energy andbuildings[J].2018,174:603-618 【著作】 1. 李先庭,赵彬.室内空气流动数值模拟.北京:机械工业出版社,2009. 2. Xianting Li, Hao Cai, LinaZhao. Antiterrorist Emergency Ventilation: System, Strategy andDecision-Making. ISBN 978-1-60741-041-6. Nova Science Publishers,Inc., 2009. 3. 李先庭,石文星主编.人工环境学,北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2006版(普通高等教育“十五”部级规划教材);2017版(“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材;住建部土建类学科专业“十三五”规划教材). 4. 余延顺,李先庭,石文星,王政。水电站无压尾水洞引风技术及应用,北京:科学出版社,2010年. 5. 朱颖心,张寅平,李先庭,秦佑国,詹庆旋.《建筑环境学》.普通高等教育 “十五”国家级规划教材. 6. 空气调节设计手册(第三版)中国建筑工业出版社 2017年6月. |